Thursday, June 17, 2010

Day 4

its day 4 and i feel great. Its been a good week so far. i went to the store and got groceries(which is a huge deal for me) i am trying to eat only food that is not overly processed. its not as easy as i thought it would be. i think this is going to be a learning process. but it really is the way that i want to live my life, so i guess i will keep trying to get better every week. ummm... i learned a few things this week though. 1) turkey sausage is processed and 2) turkey burgers have 17 grams of fat!!!!!
i still feel that i am not doing everything perfect and that really bothers me. i know that is one of the reasons that i fail to lose the weight. i am also feeling like.... Can i really do it this time or is this going to be another failed attempt? i feel like i still have so much crap to work through and i still have the tape that plays in my mind all the time. That tape that says i will fail, that i suck and all the other stuff that i say to my self all the time. but i am working on changing that.
But the good news is that i have never really given up so maybe this will be the time for me to shine.


  1. Good for you, Jann!

    I was watching a reality show the other day that had a great idea. The woman on the show was having trouble in her life and marriage because she lacked self confidence. She was really down on herself and couldn't see how beautiful she was and how the rest of the world saw her. (sound familiar??)

    They gave her a mantra and had her say it 10 times a day while looking at herself in the mirror. The mantra was something like, "I'm a powerful, attractive woman, with a very sexy body." She had to say it, even though she didn't believe it. And little by little she was able to see herself through those eyes.

  2. Thanks. Sometimes I feel like I will never believe in myself but I am really working on changing that. I am going to try that.


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